The name is so wrong. ADD stands for attention deficit disorder, and ADHD adds an H for hyperactivity. I use the former, since I don't have the H thing.
But a deficit of attention? I think most of us with ADD would agree we have more like a surplus of attention. And a disorder? That leaves out our strengths.
Still, I use ADD because it's a widely understood term for a useful concept. When you comment on this site, feel free to use whatever term you're comfortable with.
If you have ADD, you’ve probably heard plenty of criticism over the years—including from yourself. Enough of that! Here are my requests to those who comment:
Don't criticize others, give advice, or speculate on others’ motives.
Do share your own experience, strength, and hope!
New to ADD?
ADD is not just about wiggly boys. It’s a constellation of traits that’s hard to capture in a few words. These links will help you get started:
Excerpt: 'Delivered from Distraction' : NPR Chapter 1 of the book Delivered from Distraction is a good place to start. It gives a great overview of ADD in all its complexity.
Links to Online Guided Meditations Research suggests that meditation might help address the symptoms of ADD (and a lot of other conditions). But if you have ADD, you might find it hard to meditate. I compiled this list of online guided meditations. See if they help!