Before I tell you what my 10-year-0ld daughter said the other day, I should let you know that at school she's been studying the Latin roots of words. And she loves it.
So, the other day she was doing new combinations of ballet moves around the living room, interspersed with playing the waltz from Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty on both the piano and the recorder. And she was attacking me with the occasional sudden hug. And she was wiggling around doing something over by the dining room table—I forget what.
"Mom," she said, "I'm a hyperactivist."
I'm ready to take up the cause.
Yes, I think I teach a lot of hyperactivists, and they are often funny, super smart and unable to sit in the small plastic chairs that clog up the classrooms. I'll support you in your new cause!
Posted by: Rebecca Robinson | March 16, 2010 at 07:40 AM
Always great to hear from a teacher who sees the positive characteristics of the wiggly kids! I commend you. And I love the image of chairs clogging up the classrooms.
Posted by: Kathleen Christensen | March 16, 2010 at 01:21 PM
She's a Boulder kid, so becoming a hyperactivist in the other interpretation of the word would seem natural.
Posted by: Claire Walter | March 23, 2010 at 02:42 PM
You are so good at seeing the positives and encouraging your daughter. "Hyperactivist" made me smile.
Posted by: Mandy | March 24, 2010 at 11:32 AM
Hyperactivist! I love it! Okay, you need t-shirts, bumper stickers, and, of course, a 501C3. This sounds like a great nonprofit. "Save the hyperactivists!" "Become a hyperactivist for your sake, your family's sake . . . for the sake of the planet." "Hyperactivism saves lives."
Well, I could go on and on.
Thanks for the smile. I'm smiling over learning the Latin roots to words and loving it as much as the creation of hyperactivism. It warms a writer's cockles.
Melanie Mulhall
Posted by: Melanie Mulhall | May 04, 2010 at 06:16 PM