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January 07, 2009


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My ex has ADD but was reluctant to admit it or talk about the challenges it presented for him. On finances, he'd get bank statements and never even open them. Even for people without ADD, simple systems to track money are important. And I always think, the simpler the system, the more likely you are to stick to it.

Claire Walter

Bills need to be paid on time, and there needs to be money to do so. But other than that, I'm not sure how much organization is necessary. Being a freelancer, I keep every scrap of paper that could be a receipt for anything. I have an old-fashioned office spindle, and I spike 'em all. I used to meticulously organize them all at the end of the year. Now, I just put them into one big envelope, and I figure I'll only organize them if I'm audited (heaven forbid). Why go through the tedious task for no reason?

attention to life

This is a topic that has been on my mind a lot...and I HATE it! I wish money wasn't necessary. Thanks for the resources, though.

All good wishes,


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    Why Call It ADD?

    • The name is so wrong. ADD stands for attention deficit disorder, and ADHD adds an H for hyperactivity. I use the former, since I don't have the H thing.

      But a deficit of attention? I think most of us with ADD would agree we have more like a surplus of attention. And a disorder? That leaves out our strengths.

      Still, I use ADD because it's a widely understood term for a useful concept. When you comment on this site, feel free to use whatever term you're comfortable with.


    New to ADD?

    You Can Meditate!

    • Links to Online Guided Meditations
      Research suggests that meditation might help address the symptoms of ADD (and a lot of other conditions). But if you have ADD, you might find it hard to meditate. I compiled this list of online guided meditations. See if they help!


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