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November 12, 2008


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Sara Anderson

My understanding is that traumatic memories are recalled more clearly than most, rather than actually repressed.

I've recently discovered how often attention is confused for memory. You can't remember things you never noticed to begin with.


It's my understanding that either can happen with memories of traumatic events. You might repress a particularly traumatic memory, or it might haunt you--like you alluded to--in the form of intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and even hallucinations.

I don't think I really experienced homework as serious trauma. But it is interesting how little I remember about doing it.

I love your comment about attention and memory. I've sometimes noticed that in myself, maybe forgotten something someone just told me and felt a bit of fear about memory loss, but then realized my head had been somewhere else entirely.

Tony Bozzuto

Nothing is improved without practice. This applies to sports, art, games, cooking, writing or anything you can possibly think of including many subjects taught in school. Math and science in particular come to mind. The concepts are taught in school but the time to practice to raise most students' skill level to some minimum is insufficient. This attitude can only result in graduating students who are not only insufficiently trained but also but also not likely to improve themselves in any area that they don't have an extraordinary interest.

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    Why Call It ADD?

    • The name is so wrong. ADD stands for attention deficit disorder, and ADHD adds an H for hyperactivity. I use the former, since I don't have the H thing.

      But a deficit of attention? I think most of us with ADD would agree we have more like a surplus of attention. And a disorder? That leaves out our strengths.

      Still, I use ADD because it's a widely understood term for a useful concept. When you comment on this site, feel free to use whatever term you're comfortable with.


    • If you have ADD, you’ve probably heard plenty of criticism over the years—including from yourself. Enough of that! Here are my requests to those who comment:

      Don't criticize others, give advice, or speculate on others’ motives.

      Do share your own experience, strength, and hope!

    New to ADD?

    You Can Meditate!

    • Links to Online Guided Meditations
      Research suggests that meditation might help address the symptoms of ADD (and a lot of other conditions). But if you have ADD, you might find it hard to meditate. I compiled this list of online guided meditations. See if they help!


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